com.zendesk.maxwell |
top level classes concerned with instantiating and running a Maxwell
com.zendesk.maxwell.bootstrap |
bootstrapping outputs the current dataset into a stream.
com.zendesk.maxwell.errors |
exceptions thrown by maxwell.
com.zendesk.maxwell.filtering |
filtering allows users to choose what data to output in a stream
com.zendesk.maxwell.monitoring |
monitoring, diagnostics, and the HTTP server
com.zendesk.maxwell.producer |
producers write to streams and sinks of various types.
com.zendesk.maxwell.producer.partitioners |
partitioners deal with subdividing streams by data key
com.zendesk.maxwell.recovery |
allows users to continue a stream after changing masters
com.zendesk.maxwell.replication |
concerns the operation of the binlog replicator
com.zendesk.maxwell.row |
Maxwell's representation of a row from the binlog
com.zendesk.maxwell.schema |
stores and updates (via SQL parsing) a view of the mysql schema
com.zendesk.maxwell.schema.columndef |
column type definitions - cast from a mysql column to JSON
com.zendesk.maxwell.schema.ddl |
the mysql DDL schema parser lives here.
com.zendesk.maxwell.scripting |
interfaces and code for javascript filters
com.zendesk.maxwell.util |
grab-bag of code